Sonia Hutmacher Cunningham, MA, RPA, PG

Sonia Hutmacher Cunningham is the Senior Archaeologist of Desert West Environmental, LLC. She was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 1987 when she was 11 years old. From the time Sonia was in middle school, she wanted to be a professional archaeologist (a person who studies ancient human history). Sonia became a field archaeologist in 1997, working 10+ hours per day in intense heat or freezing cold weather, while living out of a hotel room 6-8 months at a time. Sonia has also served as Vice President of Government Affairs and Research for the Utah Professional Archaeological Council; is a host of the CRM Archaeology Podcast; and is a nationwide mentor for both parents of, and children with, type 1 diabetes. She uses her own experience managing type 1 diabetes as an archaeologist to advocate for youth empowerment and independent decision-making in diabetes management. By emphasizing communication and using simple risk management techniques, while hiking a 12,000-foot mountain ridge in freezing weather or a desert in 125-degree heat, Sonia has proven that a type 1 diabetic can successfully manage dehydration, insulin spoilage, and wild blood sugars in extreme conditions – and she’s a real life “Indiana Jane!”